Open Letter for Visa Application

Posted: 11/30/-0001 | Viewed: 4901802

Dear all brothers and sisters in Christ,

I thank God for receiving lots of your mails and emails requesting an invitation letter to help you apply for a visa to attend our 27th Vietnamese Baptist Annual Conference. Thank God for your heart and efforts in trying to attend the Conference with us.

I would like to write this general letter to answer many of your questions: For many important reasons, the Board Members of the Vienamese Baptist Conference have made it clear to the Conference Organizational Committee that only them have the authority to invite any person to attend the Conference. Generally, they only send out invitation letters to the Conference speakers.

However, all pastors and people everywhere can use my official open letter to apply for a visa. Many have done so and were granted visas to the US in the past.

I hope that you would understand the situation. I pray that God, in His will and time, will open a way so that you could come and attend the Conference with us.

In Christ,

Rev. Linh Hung Doan


To download the open letter in English, please click HERE, Vietnamese, please click HERE.