Chương Trình Nhóm Tiếng Anh

Đăng Ngày: 20/04/2023 | Được Xem: 2162603
  • 1:00PM - 5:30PM Thursday

    Registration & Check-in

    Registration and check-in booth will open at 1:00PM. On your arrival at the hotel, please go to our Registration Desk first. The hotel's check-in policy is 4:00PM - if you arrive early, the hotel will let you in based on rooms availability.

  • 5:30PM - 7:00PM Thursday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview

  • 7:00PM - 9:00PM Thursday

    Opening Ceremony Worship

    Room: Arlington Ballroom

  • 8:00AM - 9:00AM Friday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview

  • 9:30AM - 11:00AM Friday

    Worship #1

    Room: Arlington Ballroom

    Speaker: Pastor Victor Chayasirisohbon

  • 12:00PM - 2:00PM Friday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview

  • 2:00PM - 3:15PM Friday


    Room: Arlington Ballroom Salon 1 & 2

    • Worship 101 (Isaiah Hua) - Salon 1
    • Worship That Connects (Pastor Duy Tran)  - Salon 2
  • 3:45PM - 5:00PM Friday


    Room: Arlington Ballroom Salon 1 & 2

    • Equipped for Life's Transitions: Moving from One Life Stage to Another (Pastor Stanley Williams) - Salon 1
    • Apologetics - World Views (Pastor Linh Huynh) - Salon 2
  • 5:00PM - 7:00PM Friday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview

  • 7:30PM - 9:00PM Friday

    Worship #2

    Room: Arlington Ballroom

    Speaker: Pastor Stanley Williams

  • 8:00AM - 9:00AM Saturday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview

  • 9:30AM - 11:00AM Saturday

    Worship #3

    Room: Arlington Ballroom

    Speaker: Pastor Tony Nguyen

  • 12:00PM - 2:00PM Saturday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview

  • 2:00PM - 3:15PM Saturday


    Room: Arlington Ballroom Salon 1 & 2

    • The Trustworthiness of the Bible (Pastor Joseph Wright) - Salon 1
    • Preparing for Marriage (Pastor David Mai Tran) - Salon 2
  • 3:45PM - 5:00PM Saturday


    Room: Arlington Ballroom Salon 1 & 2

    • Dealing with Gender Issues with Apologetics to a New Generation (Pastor Tony Nguyen) - Salon 1
    • Equipped to Rest (Pastor Dan Huynh) - Salon 2
  • 5:00PM - 7:00PM Saturday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview

  • 7:30PM - 9:30PM Saturday

    Worship #4

    Room: Arlington Ballroom

    Speaker: Pastor Linh Huynh

  • 8:00AM - 9:00AM Sunday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview

  • 9:30AM - 12:00PM Sunday

    Closing Worship Service

    Room: Arlington Ballroom

  • 12:00PM - 2:00PM Sunday

    Lunch & Farewell

    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview


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