Invitation Letter

Posted: 12/21/2018 | Viewed: 4764304

I, Dung Huu Duong, as God’s will and as entrusted by the pastors and churches’ leaders in the Atlanta, Georgia area, accepted as the chairman hosting the 35th Conference of the Vietnamese Baptist Union of North America, write to all our brothers and sisters who are living in the U.S and abroad. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:2).

We truly praise God who has blessed us abundantly in the Atlanta, GA area and has given us another chance to unite and host the 35th conference. We keep on praying that God will hold your faith to serve Him well and help you to hold firm to your finances so that you will all be able to attend the 35th conference in Atlanta, GA coming up from 7/4/19 to 7/7/19.

I believe that the 35th conference will bring many blessings to the people of God from all over the world, who will be attending this conference with the theme of “SERVE LIKE JESUS.” We really like this theme because “Serve Like Jesus” not only applies to the hosting committee, but also to everyone who is regarded as saints and redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, everyone who is attending the 35th conference will experience being truly blessed not because he/she is better served by others, but because they will have a chance to serve others like Jesus himself had served and sacrificed His life for us. Mark 10:45 writes: For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (ESV). Furthermore, as we are gathering together, I believe that this is the best opportunity to learn from each other in worship, fellowship, and listening to the Word of God through gifted speakers that God will be using at the conference.

Specially in the 35th conference, there will be time of fellowship for all people in which they can participate through the Talent Show every night after the evening worship. I believe that this special time will give each of us the opportunity to serve, to fellowship, and to know each other better. I hope to see you all at the 35th Conference of the Vietnamese Baptist Union of North America at the Hilton Atlanta Airport, in the week of July 4, 2019.

May the peace and the grace of God be with you all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with the love incorruptible (Eph. 6:24).


On behalf of the organizing committee

Pastor Dung Huu Duong


We will keep updating all necessary information about the 35th Conference on the Vietnamese Baptist Union of North America website.