
Posted: 12/20/2001 | Viewed: 4629721

We have many gifted speakers who will lead us in our small groups as well as sharing the join sessions. There will be many workshops for you to select with applicable, and practical topics.


1.      Rev. Dr. Daniel Tran will lead us how to be an effective leader for small group Bible Study.


2.      Pastor Thien Chi Nguyen of Creekside Baptist Church (former Deacon at VBC of Garland) and Deacon Bach van Nguyen of Richardson Baptist Church will share the importance of Church Leader / Deacons and their roles in the church.


3.      Pastor Hue van Nguyen, Chairman of Vietnamese National Baptist Fellowship, U.S.A.  will share how to prepare the sermons and bible lessons.


4.      Uc Ngoc Le and Jo Ann Ivy, Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas and Thuy Diem Bui from New Orleans Baptist Seminary will show us how to organize and lead the children.


5.      Mrs. Khanh Ngoc Nguyen aka Thu Van will teachs us how to be:  Creativity in worship.


6.      Pastor Ngoc Quang Ha, Sunday School Board member, will guide us in how to organized and lead Sunday School classes effectively.