Liên đoàn trưởng Liên đoàn Thanh niên. Vị Mục sư trẻ trung và đầy ơn, giảng thông thạo hai ngôn ngữ Việt Anh. Hiện đang quản nhiệm Hội thánh Báp-tít tại vùng Fort Worth, Texas.
Rev. Frank Dang was born in South Vietnam, where he lived until he was 18 years old. After immigrating to the United States, Frank entered Tulane University on full scholarship, then graduated Summa cum Laud in Mathematics. He was offered another full-scholarship at Tulane University to pursue a Ph.D. in Mathematics, but after a trip back to Vietnam, he felt his true calling to feed the Vietnamese people the Word of God. Instead of pursuing his Ph.D. in mathematics, Frank entered Southwestern Theological Seminary to pursue a Masters degree in Theology and Biblical Languages, where he made the Dean's list all three years and was awarded the W. Oscar Thompson, Jr. Memorial Award in Evangelism.
During his seminary studies, Frank interned part-time, then came on staff full-time at Northwood Church where he was under the mentorship of Bob Roberts. It was there that Frank's calling went beyond just the Vietnamese people, but to all Unreached People Groups (UPG) of the world, especially in the Middle East after the events of September 11.
In 2004, taking what he had learned in Seminary and Northwood, he was called to go back to the Vietnamese Christian community to help mobilize them to transform their community and world. Frank is now Senior Pastor of Vietnamese Baptist Church of Fort Worth and is also on staff at WorldconneX as the Ethnic Consultant. His responsibilities with WorldconneX include networking and mobilizing ethnic churches to support and participate in international missions.
Domestically, he is involved in networking at Transformed World Conference, North American Mission Board, International Mission Board, and the United Nations. He also speaks at Baptist General Convention of Texas, Southern Baptist Convention, and Vietnamese Baptist Conference. He substitutes for Dr. Roy Fish's Evangelism class at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, adjunct teaches at Vietnamese Theological Institute, and speaks at various ethnic and Anglo churches and conferences.
Internationally, he has been involved in North Vietnam, Australia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, and Egypt. He is currently involved in sending medical teams to Egypt and Indonesia.
Frank is now thirty-four years of age, lives in Keller, Texas and is married to Thao. They have two daughters, Tam (2 ½ years old) & Linh (6 months old). They live in Keller, Texas.