Conference Schedule (Vietnamese Group)

Posted: 02/16/2023 | Viewed: 2573556
  • 1:00PM - 5:30PM Thursday

    Registration & Check-in

    Registration and check-in booth will open at 1:00PM. On your arrival at the hotel, please go to our Registration Desk first. The hotel's check-in policy is 4:00PM - if you arrive early, the hotel will let you in based on rooms availability.

  • 5:30PM - 7:00PM Thứ Năm


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G and Skyview

  • 7:00PM - 9:00PM Thursday

    Opening Ceremony Worship

    Room: Grand & Arlington

    Speaker: Rev. Victor Chayasirisohbon

  • 9:00PM - 11:00PM Thursday

    Fellowship Time

    Room: Skyview

    Fellowship time among pastors and attendees

  • 11:00PM Thursday


  • 7:15AM - 8:00AM Friday


    Room: Grand A-K

    Speaker: Rev. Nguyễn Cao Sơn

  • 8:00AM - 8:45AM Friday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G, and Skyview

  • 9:00AM - 11:00AM Friday

    Worship II

    Room: Grand A-C, H-K

    Speaker: Rev. Trần Đức Thịnh & Rev. David Mai Tấn

  • 11:00AM - 12:00PM Friday

    Annual Reports

    Room: Grand A-C, H-K

  • 12:00PM - 2:00PM Friday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G, and Skyview

  • 2:00PM - 3:30PM Friday


    Room: Pentagon A&B, McLean, Grand Ballroom D, E, F, & G

    • Hôn Nhân Trong Thời Đại Mới (MS Võ Văn Giáp)
    • Phương Cách Học Kinh Thánh Nhóm Nhỏ (MS Trần Đức Thịnh)
    • Xây Dựng “HT Anh Ngữ” Trong HT Việt Ngữ (MS Hồ Thế Vũ)
    • Hành Chánh & HT Baptist (MS Phan Thường Trực)
    • Trang Bị Người Chấp Sự Báp-tít (MS Phan Thanh Bình)
  • 3:45PM - 5:15PM Friday


    Room: Pentagon A&B, McLean, Grand Ballroom D, E, F, & G

    • Vai Trò Của Cha Mẹ Trong Xã Hội Ngày Nay (MS Phạm Hữu Đạt)
    • Đường Hướng & Chính Sách của SBC với Tư Cách là Thế Hệ Lãnh Đạo 1.5 (MS. Victor Chayasirisobhon)
    • Tâm Vấn Hôn Nhân (MS David Tấn Mai)
    • Vợ Mục Sư và Mục Vụ Tâm Vấn (MS Nguyễn Anh Tuấn)
    • Mối Quan Hệ Của Mục Sư & Lãnh Đạo HT (MS Nguyễn Tấn Dương)
    • Để Hiểu Hơn Về Thế Hệ Gen Z (MS Daniel Huynh)
  • 5:30PM - 7:00PM Friday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G, and Skyview

  • 7:00PM - 9:00PM Friday

    Worship III

    Room: Grand A-C, H-K

    Speaker: Rev. Lê Hồng Phúc

  • 9:00PM - 10:30PM Friday

    Business Meetings for Various Ministries

    Room: Men: Pentagon A&B / Women: Grand C & H / EM: Arlington 1&2

  • 11:00PM Friday


  • 7:15AM - 8:00AM Saturday


    Room: Grand A-K

    Speaker: Mrs. Kim Cương

  • 8:00AM - 8:45AM Saturday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G, and Skyview

  • 9:00AM - 11:00AM Saturday

    Worship IV

    Room: Grand A-C, H-K

    Speaker: Rev. Nguyễn Tấn Dương

  • 11:00AM - 12:00PM Saturday

    Business Meetings for Various Ministries

    Room: Grand A-C, H-K

  • 12:00PM - 2:00PM Saturday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G, and Skyview

  • 2:00PM - 5:15PM Saturday

    Business Meetings

    Room: Arlington III

  • 2:00PM - 4:00PM Saturday


    Room: Pentagon A&B

  • 2:00PM - 5:15PM Saturday

    Free Time / Bible Musuem

  • 5:30PM - 7:00PM Saturday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G, and Skyview

  • 7:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday

    Musical Concert

    Room: Grand A-C, H-K

  • 9:00PM - 10:30PM Saturday

    Business Meetings for Various Ministries

    Room: Men: Pentagon A&B / Women: Grand C&H / EM: Arlington 1&2

  • 11:00PM Saturday


  • 7:15AM - 8:00AM Sunday


    Room: Grand A-K

    Speaker: Rev. Hà Quan Ngọc

  • 8:00AM - 8:45AM Sunday


    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G, and Skyview

  • 9:00AM - 9:30AM Sunday

    Clean-up & Packing

  • 9:30AM - 12:00PM Sunday

    Closing Ceremony Worship

    Room: Grand & Arlington

    Speaker: Rev. Christian Phan Phước Lành

  • 12:00PM - 2:00PM Sunday

    Lunch & Farewell

    Room: Arlington III, Grand D, E, F, G, and Skyview


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