Hỏi & Đáp Thông Tin

Mục Hỏi & Đáp dùng để giải đáp nhừng câu hỏi thắc mắc quý vị có. Nếu quý vị có nhừng thắc mắc gì liên quan đến Đại Hội, vui lòng đăng câu hỏi của quý vị ở dưới, chúng tôi sẽ trả lời cho quý vị.

Hi... To answer your question... You can email the registration team with your registration code to request to include meals package. NOTE: It is the meals PACKAGE... meaning yes to all 9 meals. With our registration system-- it is either yes for alll meals or no for all meals... Blessings.
If you would like to have a display table during the conference, please see detail information below Fee: $100 / table Please send your email to [email protected] to reserve your table Please let us know in detail information about your table We have a limited number of display tables, therefore we reserve the rights to decide which table to be displayed and reject your request Last day to request a display table and make payment is June 20th, 2024 For all inquiries about display table, please contact Rev. Phuong Khuu (760) 845-4105
Greetings, The total cost for 1 hotel room & 4 people with meals = $1,287.00 This is the link to register and for more information, https://daihoibaptit.org/registration.php?campyear=2024&lang= God Bless.
Hi...To answer your question... We currently only have Vietnamese Ministry (VM) English Ministry (EM) and Children Ministry.
Hi, You can email registration team. Please give us your registration # and your son information (Full name and ate of birth) - and we will update for your.
Hi... Please email registration team. Please give us your registration code. The date you want to check in or check out ... we will update for you. Blessings.
Hi.. If registered before April 30th - all Pastors (and wife) will receive $25 discount each --- if register full packaged (meaning with hotel and meals) Blessings
Hi, For questions about worship... you can send an email to co Kim Tranh. ([email protected]) Thank you and God Bless.
Hi, You can email to registration team with your request. [email protected] Please give us the registration code and contact information as well..

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